Confidential Pro-Life Update

We are falling short of our end-of-year goal. The GOOD NEWS is that we still have time to turn things around.

Preborn babies depend on your contributions to help stop illegal abortions, equip Pro-Life students on college campuses, and defend against anti-Life legislation.

If we don’t get back on track, we’ll have to make devastating cuts to our programs, such as:
❌ Eliminate 15 scholarships for Pro-Life college students;
❌ Turn away 13 teens from our high school Team LIFE Camp;
❌ Decrease time spent lobbying in the Texas Capitol to stop anti-Life bills and promote Pro-Life policies; and
❌ Deny 3 patients legal defense when their lives are threatened by hospital committees.

The stakes are HIGH.

Can you contribute ANY AMOUNT right now to crush our FINAL 2022 goal? >>



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