Apply for our SREC Endorsement 2022 By Texas Right to Life on June 15, 2022 Donate, Donation Campaign Name *Office Sought *0 / 40District *0 / 4When do you believe life begins? *FertilizationViability (Please define "viability.")BirthOther (Please explain.)In what circumstances, if any, do you believe that abortion should be legal? *0 / 40Would you support measures that codify unborn children as persons from the moment of fertilization? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Do you support the complete reversal of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions, thereby allowing state legislatures and the U.S. Congress to once again protect unborn children? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support a waiver for Texas to opt out of any federal health insurance mandates that require coverage for elective abortion? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support legislation prohibiting state tax dollars to pay for elective abortion coverage of government employees through state health insurance plans? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support conscience clause legislation that would protect health care providers from participation in abortions, objectionable stem cell research, withdrawal and denial of medical treatment from a patient, and other biomedical assaults on innocent human life? Such a measure would cover individual health care providers, pharmacists, hospitals, and other medical professionals. *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support the anonymous collection of statistical and demographic data on all abortions through mandated uniform reporting requirements? (The woman’s anonymity would be protected at all times.) *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support legislative measures to prohibit coercing a woman into seeking or undergoing an abortion against her will? Such a measure would require that information (abuse hotlines, shelters, law enforcement, protective services, etc.) be given to women who are coerced? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Do you support complete removal of all family planning funds from entities that provide abortion or are affiliated with entities that provide abortion? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support appropriations rules and measures that prevent all health care and family planning grants from being awarded to agencies that commit, counsel, or refer for abortions or contract or affiliate with such agencies? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you oppose or stop any bill that includes funding for abortions, regardless of the bill’s other subject matter? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support a legal prohibition on all human cloning, which is the asexual creation of human embryos through scientific means? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support legislation that would prohibit the scientific production and subsequent destruction of a human embryo to harvest the stem cells for research/therapeutic cloning, which always results in the death of the human embryo? (This process is also called SCNT.) *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support restricting publicly-funded universities, medical centers, and hospitals from engaging in any type of human cloning, including research/therapeutic cloning, SCNT, and embryonic stem cell research? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Do you think doctors or hospitals should be allowed to unilaterally place a DNR (Do-NotResuscitate) order on a patient without the consent of the patient or the family/surrogate of the patient? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Do you support the rights of patients to receive life-sustaining medical treatment, even if the hospital or healthcare facility wishes to withdraw and/or deny such treatment and care? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)When a hospital or physician disagrees with the wishes or treatment decisions of a patient and his/her family/surrogate, would you support a measure to allow ample time for the hospital and physician to facilitate transferring the patient to a more appropriate care setting? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)If the answer to question #18 is “Yes,” what amount of time you think is appropriate? *The patient should be treated until a transfer is secured. (This is law in 11 other states.)Six monthsOther amount of time ________________If the answer to question #19 is “No,” please explain. *0 / 40Will you oppose any legislation that would restrict or regulate the right of nonprofit corporations (not PACs) to engage in unrestricted commentary (issue advocacy) on the positions and voting records of specific officeholders and office seekers? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you oppose legislation that would require that names of citizens who fund such communications be reported to the government? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Would you support legislative measures on the state level which would require additional reporting and rules for political expenditures and disclosures than the federal government currently requires? *0 / 60Would you support legislation that would require public disclosure of donors to 501(c)4 organizations (social welfare organizations)? *0 / 60Will you structure legislative committees with Pro-Life majorities so that Pro-Life resolutions pass efficiently? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)If necessary, are you willing to personally clear obstacles to Pro-Life bills passing or to stop anti-Life measures? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Will you screen the Pro-Life views of your nominees for heads of committees that form and recommend direct Pro-Life policies to lawmakers? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)If applicable, will you conduct an in-depth analysis of nominees to the judiciary to ensure that nominees adhere to a strict constructionist view of the Constitution? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)If applicable, will you conduct an in-depth analysis of nominees to the judiciary to ensure that nominees adhere to a strict constructionist view of the Constitution? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Will you pledge to share all your Pro-Life legislative ideas with Texas Right to Life prior to taking action or filing any resolutions? (Doing so enables us to help inform others about upcoming issues and allows us to better research and finesse language, and support you.) *YesNoOther (Please explain.)Do you pledge to co-author and support Texas Right to Life’s Texas Abolition Strategy? *YesNoOther (Please explain.)SUBMIT Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email