Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the demand for pregnancy centers and adoption agencies has skyrocketed 43%!
But Texas lawmakers’ budget proposal reduces funding for Alternatives to Abortion from the House-approved draft in April.
Will you email your state officials right now to restore funding that helps women choose LIFE?
Click here to find your state representative and senator’s email address.
Copy and paste this message:
As your constituent and a Pro-Life Texan, I urgently ask that you restore the funding to the Alternatives to Abortion program at the $200 million level as passed by the House. The House Bill 1 Conference Committee Report shows this funding was walked back to $140 million. This is not sufficient funding to meet the needs of women and children over the next two years, and is unacceptable for a state like Texas that is not just anti-abortion but truly Pro-Life. The Texas Legislature must continue to protect and expand this life-saving program to meet Texans’ increased need after the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Since Roe was overturned, the program has seen a 43% increase in services provided to women. The resources this program provides are critical to ensuring Texas women are not pressured into seeking out-of-state or illegal abortions. Every single day, pregnancy resource centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes provide tangible social services to assist women, children, and families. I urge you to work to restore full funding to the Alternatives to Abortion program at $200 million in House Bill 1 for the next two years. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Texas operates on a balanced budget. The state can only allocate money it has already brought in, and it can’t spend money out of thin air. This year, Texas has a $32.7 billion surplus. Lawmakers can and should fully fund Alternatives to Abortion.
Texas’ Alternatives to Abortion program is the LARGEST and MOST SUCCESSFUL state-funded resource in the country helping women choose Life! But without your voice right now, we may fall short of our goal.
Please send a message to your state lawmakers asking them to restore Alternatives to Abortion funding to $200 million.

In April, the Texas House granted initial approval for $200 million to this network of nonprofit adoption agencies, pregnancy centers, and maternity homes, but at the eleventh hour, a committee of representatives and senators slashed funding to $140 million. At this amount, countless pregnant women may not receive the life-saving help they need and could instead turn to illegal or out-of-state abortions.
Your voice has truly made a difference in the Legislature time and time again this year.
Send a message ASAP to your representative and senator asking them to restore the Alternatives to Abortion funding to $200 million.
Make an even bigger impact → Forward this message to your Pro-Life friends and family!
Thank you for standing up for the voiceless and vulnerable!