San Antonio City Council is trying to spend HALF A MILLION DOLLARS to pay for women to travel to other states for abortions.
Will you join us at a Pro-Life rally in San Antonio this Sunday to stand up for the unborn?
When: Sunday, October 1
12:15 p.m. March for Life
1:15 p.m. Opening prayer and speaker
2:00 p.m. Life Chain
3:10 p.m. Closing prayerWhere: 7439 San Pedro Ave. San Antonio, TX 78216 (Near the old Sears)

San Antonio City Council passed its largest budget ever, including $500,000 for “reproductive justice.”
It’s ILLEGAL in Texas to pay for abortions or costs associated with them, but the city council plans to use your tax dollars to end the lives of preborn babies.
This is dangerous for the community, and worse, it could even lead other cities to fund out-of-state abortions, too.
Let’s make San Antonio known for LIFE instead of abortion.
Please join Texas Right to Life at the rally on Sunday and forward this message to your friends and neighbors.
If you support our Pro-Life ministry, chip in with a life-saving contribution today!