Leftist politicians are trying to DEFUND the Pro-Life Alternatives to Abortion program.
Pro-abortion lawmakers are fighting to slash Texas’ life-saving Alternatives to Abortion fund (A2A) because it empowers women to choose Life.
Click here to voice your support for Alternatives to Abortion BEFORE 1:00 p.m. this Thursday, September 8.
Under the “Comments Regarding” section click “Appropriations September 08, 2022 – 8:00 AM [E1.030]” Select “5. Health and Human Services Commission.”
Texas’ Alternatives to Abortion program is the LARGEST and MOST SUCCESSFUL state-funded resource in the country to help women choose Life.
As Pro-Lifers, we are fighting to guarantee that Texas is not only abortion-free, but truly Pro-Life for women, babies, and their families, both before and after birth!
Tell our state representatives to protect and increase Alternatives to Abortion.

A2A offers women and families critical social services like baby and maternity supplies, counseling, job skills training, housing assistance, parenting classes, and much more!
This Thursday, a Texas House committee will consider public testimony on Alternatives to Abortion. The Democrats are already trying to GUT this life-saving program. They need to hear from YOU!
Please tell lawmakers in Austin to KEEP A2A.
Click here to voice your support for the Alternatives to Abortion program BEFORE 1:00 p.m. this Thursday, September 8.
Don’t worry, submitting your testimony is EASY!
How to protect A2A:
- Click this link and fill out your contact information;
- Under the “Comments Regarding” section click “Appropriations September 08, 2022 – 8:00 AM [E1.030]”
- Select “5. Health and Human Services Commission” and send a message.
Copy and paste this message or write your own!
The Texas Legislature must continue to protect and expand the Alternatives to Abortion program to meet the increased need of Texans after the reversal of Roe v. Wade. As a Pro-Life and pro-woman Texan, I respectfully ask our state legislators to continue to promote and protect this program. The resources it provides ensure Texas women are not pressured into seeking out-of-state or illegal abortions. Every single day, pregnancy resource centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes provide tangible resources to truly assist women and children. Texas is Pro-Life and we want women and families to know they are not alone when they choose Life for their babies.
Forward this message to your friends and family to help pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes in Texas.
Thank you for making your voice heard and reminding our elected officials that Texas must remain truly Pro-Life!