Can we count on YOU?

Will you contribute right now to rescue preborn babies?

It’s time to go on the offense. We can take the fight to the digital abortion clinic and to the evil forces on college campuses.

The abortion industry is targeting college students as their new customers for selling abortion pills online. This means that Pro-Life activism on college campuses may be the last line of defense for young women and children.

Texas Right to Life awards scholarships to Pro-Life students and mentors them as they lead their campus groups. We train them to minister to pregnant women and help them overcome challenges like hostile school administrations.

But to win this war, we have to stop the flow of abortion pills at the source. We must attack illegal abortion pill websites with new policies and lawsuits before this evil becomes the status quo.

You can make a difference, not just for today… but tomorrow, the next day, and even for generations by contributing to Texas Right to Life.

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