Just a little further to save lives in 2023

As one of our best Pro-Life supporters, I’m reaching out one more time for your help.

I’m looking at the final numbers, and we are just 5% shy of our New Year goal.

Will you chip in any amount today to help us catch up and start 2023 on the right foot?

Pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood are raising HUGE amounts, but we may not have the resources we need to fight back.

Five percent doesn’t sound like much, but it makes a big difference:

… it’s tuition for 12 teens at our high school Team LIFE Camp;

… it’s 9 scholarships for Pro-Life college students;

… it’s time spent lobbying in the Texas Capitol to stop anti-Life bills and promote Pro-Life policies; or

… it’s legal defense for 2 patients whose lives are threatened by hospital committees.

With your life-saving contribution right now, 2023 could be our strongest year yet!

Please give a gift today before our extended midnight deadline to rescue preborn babies, help pregnant moms, and save vulnerable patients. >>

Thank you and may God bless you and keep you in the New Year!




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