48 Years

Texas Right to Life celebrates our 48th birthday on Saturday!

Take a look at the INCREDIBLE impact you made through our ministry!

  • Over 300 Pro-Life college students trained since 2008 through the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship
  • Hundreds of patients RESCUED from denial of medical treatment
    (Watch Jose’s story)
  • 25 Pro-Life state policies PASSED, including the groundbreaking Texas Heartbeat Act of 2021
  • 32 Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn, which ban abortion in city limits
  • 493,352 Texas babies SAVED since 1999

These massive victories are thanks to grassroots supporters like YOU!

We thank God for every life saved. Without you standing in the gap, hundreds of thousands more babies would be killed, their mothers wounded, and vulnerable patients would have no hope.

But our work isn’t finished until EVERY life is valued and protected.

Will you give a gift today for our 48th birthday to save even MORE babies and patients?

Texas is the BEST place to defend Life, and Texas Right to Life is the most MUSCULAR, AGGRESSIVE, and IMPACTFUL Pro-Life organization in the world.

Let’s keep fighting — because EVERYONE deserves a birthday.

>> Give a life-saving gift today! >>



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