Democrats and the media are exploiting tragic cases like those of Nevaeh Crain and Josseli Barnica to push for expanded abortion in Texas. These cases, which stem from media misinformation and likely medical malpractice, are used to mislead the public about Pro-Life laws.
The truth is that Texas Pro-Life policies protect both pregnant women and their preborn children while allowing critical medical interventions. To counter false claims, Texas should NOT expand abortion but should require continued education for medical professionals, ensuring the best care for pregnant women.
Texas Law Protects Mothers in Emergencies
Pro-Life laws in Texas are designed to safeguard the lives of both mothers and their preborn babies. “Medical emergency” is defined in Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 171 as a “life-threatening physical condition aggravated by, caused by, or arising from a pregnancy.” The Texas Medical Board has explained that doctors can provide necessary care if a medical emergency is expected, even if it’s not happening right then.
In these tragic cases of medical emergencies, including ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage, treatment is intended to save the mother’s life, not to end the child’s life. This is far different from an elective abortion, which has the sole intent to end the child’s life, without regard to the mother’s life.
For further clarity, Texas law explicitly does not restrict treatment for miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. According to the Health and Safety Code, Chapter 245, “abortion” refers specifically to the intentional killing of the preborn child. The language specifically excludes miscarriage management and treatment for ectopic pregnancies, which means any mention of “abortion” in the law does not apply to these cases.
Despite these clear distinctions, media outlets and abortion advocates perpetuate the myth that Pro-Life laws prevent doctors from intervening in life-threatening situations. This misinformation has led to confusion among healthcare providers, causing avoidable delays in care.
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Misconceptions Lead to Tragedies
Nevaeh Crain sought care at three hospitals before she and her baby tragically died. Similarly, Josseli Barnica’s doctors delayed necessary treatment for a miscarriage due to fear of legal repercussions fueled by misleading media narratives. These preventable tragedies highlight the need to educate medical professionals about what Texas law actually says.
Pro-Life laws explicitly permit intervention in emergencies, even when that action tragically results in the preborn child passing away. In fact, Texas saw a 35% decrease in maternal mortality from 2021 to 2022, coinciding with the Texas Heartbeat Act. Furthermore, no doctor has been penalized for treating a miscarriage or medical emergency, as confirmed by the Texas Medical Board (TMB).
Education is the Solution
To address these issues, Texas Right to Life has drafted the Maternal Safety Act. This bill will require continuing education for doctors and nurses who treat pregnant women to affirm the following:
- Standards of care for ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and emergencies;
- When and how to intervene to protect a mother’s life; and
- The legal distinctions between medical emergencies and prohibited elective abortions.
The Maternal Safety Act will prevent hesitation and save lives by equipping doctors with accurate knowledge of current Pro-Life laws. This is particularly crucial as we are estimating that 30,000 preborn Texans are still being killed every year through abortion.
Texas should NOT fall to the pressure of pro-abortion advocates who attempt to expand abortion by distorting tragic cases. We must fortify our life-saving protections, while ensuring doctors provide proper care and protect mothers in difficult circumstances.
Texas Right to Life remains committed to building a Pro-Life Texas. Together, we can protect mothers and their preborn children.
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