Defeat the killer swarm in Texas!

Friend —

Right now, abortion extremists are swarming Texas.

They are licking their wounds after we defeated them this summer and are preparing for battle again.

Make no mistake, they are a lethal force because they're funded like never before.

With millions of out-of-state billionaire financing, they plan to defeat every Pro-Lifer in 2014 and elect an abortion extremist as governor!

Friend, innocent human life has never faced such a threat in our state, like we're facing right now.

Will you make sure Texas Right to Life meets its year-end goal of $50,000 by clicking and following this link to contribute $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $3,000?

Progressive abortion extremists have selected the killing of the unborn as their number one issue to takeover our state.

We must fight back!

But we don't have the multiple millions of dollars or free media like they do. Instead, we have people like you and dedicated staff and volunteers who will fight for Life to the very end.

Will you make sure we have the resources to halt the abortion extremists who are scheming to take over Texas in 2014?

If so, please click and follow this link to make your year-end contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $5,000 right now.

Imagine the killings an abortion extremist as governor of Texas would permit!

Imagine more women, repeatedly victimized by the abortion industry.

Like Norma McCorvey (aka Roe from Roe v. Wade) said, if we lose Texas, we lose the country. Friend, she is right: there is no plan B.

We only have until midnight tonight to make our goal of $50,000.

Already, supporters like you have contributed more than $45,000. We're almost there!

Let's fight for Life and defeat the abortion extremist killer swarm! Donate, right now!

Yours for Life,