California Drops Charges Against Pro-Life Journalists Who Exposed Planned Parenthood’s Trafficking of Aborted Baby Body Parts

When Kamala Harris was the attorney general of California, she began an unjust investigation of two Pro-Life journalists that exposed Planned Parenthood for selling and trafficking body parts of aborted babies.

After a nine-year battle, the legal fight against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt has ended.

The current attorney general of California has moved forward with a plea deal with both advocates, involving no jail time and zero punishment in exchange for a “no contest” plea by Daleiden and Merritt on a single video recording charge. 


About 10 years ago, Daleiden led a movement to expose Planned Parenthood’s horrific trafficking scandal. This project, the Human Capital Project, had a vital discovery when he and Merrit went undercover to visit Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, the largest abortion mill in the western hemisphere located in Houston. Posing as representatives from a for-profit company that purchases and experiments on human remains, Daleiden and Merritt found a Planned Parenthood director eager to engage in their proposal to sell aborted baby body parts.

He was invited into the business’s holy of holies: the “POC lab.” “Products of conception,” or “POCs,” is the cold term Planned Parenthood uses to dissociate themselves from the children savagely ripped apart in their facilities. David was taken into the POC lab at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, where workers pulled a fully formed, freshly aborted child from the freezer. They dumped his mangled body parts into a Pyrex dish in order to demonstrate to David the quality and salability of their “products.”

As an arm was lifted out of the dish – joints, fingers, and fingernails could be seen, all perfectly formed. The arm had been severed from the live child’s body in utero when, just hours earlier, a Planned Parenthood abortionist had inserted forceps into the dilated cervix of a pregnant mother, grasped the baby’s arm, clamped the forceps’ teeth, and pulled mightily until the arm came off. The baby died of severe blood loss in the process of having his limbs and organs ravaged, one by one.  

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Their Houston discoveries have since led to a two-billion-dollar lawsuit against Planned Parenthood for their hidden crimes.

Daleiden and Merritt also revealed recordings of their in-office visits and price negotiations over aborted babies. These also included dinner conversations with abortion clinic directors who casually joked about altering abortion procedures to obtain more intact remains, saying they “want a Lamborghini”—a reference to how intact fetal tissue goes for a higher price.

Kamala Harris, along with other government officials and abortionists, was outraged by these discoveries. However, their anger wasn’t directed at the trafficking of aborted baby body parts for profit or the risks posed to women for the organization’s gain. Instead, they were upset that Daleiden and Merritt had secretly recorded the conversations, exposing the grim realities of the abortion industry.

“In my 5 decades as an attorney, 40 years of which were as a prosecutor, I have never seen such a blatant exercise of selective investigation and vindictive prosecution. The California Attorneys General who initiated this case and pursued it for nearly 10 years should be ashamed for weaponizing their office to pursue people who were merely exposing illegality associated with the harvesting and sale of fetal body parts,” stated Hon. Steve Cooley, the attorney who led Daleiden’s legal defense team.

In 2016, David Daleiden shared his experiences and video recordings of his undercover conversations at Texas Right to Life’s annual gala.

Praise God for the bravery of Daleiden and Merrit for exposing the trafficking happening within Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities. Their unwavering commitment to defending the dignity of unborn children has forever impacted the Pro-Life movement, shining a light on the hidden atrocities that the industry tried to keep buried. 

This outcome, while long overdue, is a reminder that God works through those who are willing to stand boldly for Life, even in the face of intense opposition. Let us continue to pray for more brave voices to rise and for an end to the brutal injustices against preborn babies.

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