Texas Right to Life’s high school summer camp, REveAL, starts in just over one month! Teens ages 14-18 are invited to participate in a week-long summer camp experience from July 18-25, complete with swimming, campfires, and low ropes courses, all while learning to defend their Pro-Life convictions when they return to their communities.
Students need not be well-versed in bioethics and Pro-Life apologetics prior to arriving at camp. The week provides many opportunities to learn about Pro-Life topics, so students can gain confidence in defending their Pro-Life values. Campers will learn about types of abortion procedures, the racist history behind the founding of Planned Parenthood, embryonic vs. adult stem cell research, euthanasia, and so much more! Throughout the day, campers are split into small groups with students their own age to discuss the complex topics being taught. 2014 camper, Samantha S., said “I enjoyed discussion time; different people have views that I had never considered.”
Although camp does cover heavy issues, there is plenty of time for fun camp activities and making new friends! Impromptu dance parties and karaoke performances are not uncommon at REveAL! One popular REveAL activity is jumping off “the blob,” a bounce house-like monstrosity that sits in the water, propelling campers high into the air before landing in the lake.
After an intense week of learning and fun, campers return to their high schools and communities with a deeper understanding and respect for Life, inspired to share what they’ve learned with their peers. Caitlyn W., a past camper said, “I wouldn’t change a thing about this camp, because I am in awe of how amazing the experience is! Don’t change!”
To register for REveAL, visit our Student Central page.