Evil was on the march this weekend.
A Catholic church was hatefully targeted and vandalized over the weekend. Holy Rosary Catholic Church in downtown Houston was assaulted because of the church’s strong Pro-Life beliefs.
Abortion activists spray painted over the church doors with the graffiti message: “Pro-Choice is Pro-Life!”

The church’s pastor, Fr. Peter Damien, reached out to his flock, sharing the heartbreaking news and asking for prayers in the wake of this evil act of intimidation.
Engulfing the nation in a spirit of rage and vengeance, abortion activists attacked and vandalized Pro-Life churches across the country. Enraged over the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion groups called for activists to target Catholic churches this Mother’s Day weekend.
Abortion groups have announced their violence will not cease. “We will remain outraged after this weekend, so keep praying. We’ll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust,” one abortion group tweeted. To a Catholic, burning the Eucharist is the greatest and ultimate form of sacrilege and is the same as burning the actual body of Christ.
The media is completely ignoring these acts of rage, violence, and vandalism in which innocent, peaceful churches are targeted and attacked. Despite churches being attacked across the country this weekend, there are no major headlines covering these acts of terror and intimidation.
Stay tuned to Texas Right to Life as we uncover more about these egregious assaults on Pro-Lifers and Christians across our nation.